Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Christmas memory

Today I going to writte about a Christmas memory, I hope you fun.

When I was seven years old, I went out with my mother and my old sister Paloma to buy what we needed for our Christmas dinner. We had to go to many different stores to gather all the ingredients. 
It was an extremely hot day, as usual in December and, I was getting more and more excited and anxious for Christmas. As a kid, I was not interested at all on what we needed to buy, I just wanted to play.

When we were going out of the last store, my sister and I started to run and chase each other. Our mom told us to stop, but we were having fun, so we kept playing. Between all the people in the store, Paloma ran very fast and as I was trying to catch her, I didn’t look where I was going, and I tripped man’s foot. The last thing I saw before dashing my head against the floor was the costume of the man: he was dressed as Santa! I woke up few hours later, on my mom’s bed with scrapes all over my face and a sore feeling on my body. 

That Christmas I got a camera and I took many photos that day. In every one of them, my face is full of bruises and scratches. (look at the photo).



Friday, January 4, 2019

A job

When I was a little girl I always wanted to become a chef. For Christmas, my birthday or any holiday that involved presents for me I always asked for cooking implements. I remember I got my first  “oven” (a toy oven) when I was only for years old and I loved it so much I could spend all day playing with it. At 11 my mom allowed me to use a real oven to cook by myself, that was one of the best days of my life. Of course it went really bad and I burnt everything but I felt so good with myself. With practice I got better and better. And I think that's what cooking is all about: persistence. Maybe the first time you don't get what you were expecting, maybe not even in the 3rd time, but if you keep going you can create delicious food and enjoy it eating what you cooked. That's what I think you need to be good at cooking. Just practice and patience. And that's also why I like it. 
I think I would be good at this job because the first thing you need to do well in a job is loving what you do, and I love cooking. But also because I have good memory to remember the recipes, and even if I don't remember any, I am pretty good at improvising food with what I have in hand, I can create really good plates… Or At least my family says so… 

I hope one day I get as good as Cat Cora, she is the best and such an inspiration!
