Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Christmas memory

Today I going to writte about a Christmas memory, I hope you fun.

When I was seven years old, I went out with my mother and my old sister Paloma to buy what we needed for our Christmas dinner. We had to go to many different stores to gather all the ingredients. 
It was an extremely hot day, as usual in December and, I was getting more and more excited and anxious for Christmas. As a kid, I was not interested at all on what we needed to buy, I just wanted to play.

When we were going out of the last store, my sister and I started to run and chase each other. Our mom told us to stop, but we were having fun, so we kept playing. Between all the people in the store, Paloma ran very fast and as I was trying to catch her, I didn’t look where I was going, and I tripped man’s foot. The last thing I saw before dashing my head against the floor was the costume of the man: he was dressed as Santa! I woke up few hours later, on my mom’s bed with scrapes all over my face and a sore feeling on my body. 

That Christmas I got a camera and I took many photos that day. In every one of them, my face is full of bruises and scratches. (look at the photo).



Friday, January 4, 2019

A job

When I was a little girl I always wanted to become a chef. For Christmas, my birthday or any holiday that involved presents for me I always asked for cooking implements. I remember I got my first  “oven” (a toy oven) when I was only for years old and I loved it so much I could spend all day playing with it. At 11 my mom allowed me to use a real oven to cook by myself, that was one of the best days of my life. Of course it went really bad and I burnt everything but I felt so good with myself. With practice I got better and better. And I think that's what cooking is all about: persistence. Maybe the first time you don't get what you were expecting, maybe not even in the 3rd time, but if you keep going you can create delicious food and enjoy it eating what you cooked. That's what I think you need to be good at cooking. Just practice and patience. And that's also why I like it. 
I think I would be good at this job because the first thing you need to do well in a job is loving what you do, and I love cooking. But also because I have good memory to remember the recipes, and even if I don't remember any, I am pretty good at improvising food with what I have in hand, I can create really good plates… Or At least my family says so… 

I hope one day I get as good as Cat Cora, she is the best and such an inspiration!


Friday, December 28, 2018

A sport

Today I goning to write about a yoga, is something that I do for feeling me good. 

I do yoga. I've been doing it since I entered high school… I think it was 2012. It all started because a friend I made at high school said her mom forced her to take yoga classes in a gym, and she didn't want to go alone, so I said “why not?” and accompanied her to one of her classes. While we were at it she seemed really bored, after a few classes she dropped out without telling her mom, when her mom found out later and was very angry at my friend and she got punished and wasn't able to go out for six months, on the other side, I really liked it so I kept going, for two years I went  there three days a week but now I have a very irregular schelude, which makes my aviability irregular too, that made me quit gym, but I hope I can get back some day, because doing yoga made me feel really relaxed. I don't know what could I do to keep me concentrated during the exams. It just makes me feel very relaxed. After a busy day, I like to do at least 15 minutes of it to make me relax, or even being able to sleep. I find it very hard to get in the mood to sleep so when I know I have to wake up early in the morning the next day and Im not sleepy at all I do yoga and after a few minutes I can feel my body relax and start to feel tired. Without yoga I would be dead.

Really I'am not a expert, but I do what I can.



Friday, December 14, 2018

Hi, my dears:

Today we can write about a free topic and, I feel happy today so I want to talk about a trip I did this summer, really was an amazing travel, because was with the company of people I love so much, four friends, my sister and the couple, this travel begin  because with my friend we have a tournament of debate in Perú and we want to go, because I like the debate and never went together to an international competition. 

But we don´t want to go to another country only for one week and we decide to make the most possible in this travel, and we plan to trip to Cusco and after go to Lima, and in Cusco, we take a group tour to a packed to tours for one week, we have every day an activity to do and we enjoy a lot this wonderful city, we know a lot of places from Inca's temples until Machupicchu, for me the best place was The Mountain of seven colors, is a magical experiences and demand a lot effort physical and mental, because it is a 5200 meters above sea level, so is so difficult breathe.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Something I like

Hello, hello,

Today I don't want talk about a photo or drawing, so I writting about a song I like so much. Since ever, I love a lot of music styles, maybe because in my house there’s always a song playing around. Sometimes we have live music because my dad is a good player of the drums, my mom is an amazing singer and my sisters are always dancing according to the beatings... well isn't so funny like it sounds, but the point is other.

Resultado de imagen para everything is love the carters gifThis year is full of new songs, and I truly love all of them, but obviously I have my favorite ones.
I'm an indecisive person, but as I wrote in another post, my favorite singer ever is Beyoncé and she released a new hip-hop/R&B album with their husband Jay-Z like 1 month ago, I listened to the album as soon as it came out. This album is called Everything is love and my favorite song of it is “FRIENDS”.

This song it’s an honest and sad reflection on the life that they are currently living which does look glamorous and exciting on the outside but with the incredible highs there is always going to be some incredible lows. I love this song because it’s catchy and impactful, I feel a lot of emotions when I listen to it, it’s the most honest Beyonce and Jay-Z has been yet and takes lead from the vulnerability that other songs delivered.

This is all for today, bye xoxo.

Friday, November 9, 2018

A Friend

Today the topic I don't like to much, because I can't choose a friend to write with out feel me wrong with the other friends. So I write about to more than one. 

First I want mencionate my friends of the school, I feel so grateful of meet with the people so grate in this place, but if I must choose one, I think for our current friendship I would choose Camila, really we don't have a long history, but is a good friendship, she is so lovely and kind, is a grate friend and we meet to talk, eatm talk and enjoy the company, I laugh so much with her, for me she is so special and I think too for her. 

In second place, also from school and debate, isn't a person, we are a group, we're five including me, with them we discuss and talk about things of our interesrt, like feminism, debate, philosophy, history and more topics of that style.

Really I don't want to extend this post so much, but is important to me talk about of at least my friend more present actually, this doesn't mean that my other friends are less important to me. Okay making clear that, I keep on. 

In the university I have two wonderful friends, Constanza and Gissele, I have taken a lot of affection, maybe it's because we stay everyday togethers, I know  we need to know more, but until now everything has gone well. 

And Finally but not less important, my unconditional friend, my dog, I love him so much, he always gladdens my days and my life jajaja.

Here two pictures with my baby boy, he name is Aukan, in the first photo I try put it in a bag, because I was going on a trip and I don't wanna leave it): hahaha



Friday, October 26, 2018

An artist

Today I going write about an artist who I like, I choose to my favorite artist in the world, if you read my old blog you know who is. Of course, nothing more and nothing less than Beyoncé!! I remember one day in my house when my sister calls me from the desk on the first floor of the apartment where I lived before, and show me one song of her... oh was an immediate love! Until now I feel grateful with my sister for this. 

Beyonce, if you don't know who is (I don't think so), is a modern female singer, she also is actress, songwriter, and producer. Together with her mom has a clothing line of sportswear. With her husband  support foundations, campaign or something about to help improve the condition of the people in perspective politic, healthy, racial fighting, etc 

I like of her, she will be a kind person in real life, but in the stage is a different person, she has an energy so dynamic and stronger that makes me love her. In the stage present an unparalleled show, sing in live all the time, has a choreography impeccable and different costumes, accompany with the incredible show of lights and video clips.

I hope you like my post of the week, we read later! 
Watch this presentation! is awesome.


Friday, October 19, 2018

Building in Chile...

Hello readers,

Today I'm going write about the building GAM. The Gabriela Mistral Center is a cultural and meeting place, located in the center of the city, very close to the FAU. I remember saw this place for the first time when was I a child, saw the bigger building, probably this happen after 2006 because this year the fire consuming the 40% of the original tower and I remember saw the remainder of the action to the fire.

The building is an emblematic construction of the Salvador Allende government, meaning something very important for the Popular Union and for the country history. GAM actually has a contemporary architecture and is a place with multiple uses and open place for meeting. 

I like this building for the meaning, is a place in the center of the city, where you come to do diverse activities, also the name is for a Chilean female poet, first Chilean winner of the Nobel prize, so have so many meaning for the history and in the space of the city.

It´s all for today.



Friday, October 12, 2018

I want to learn...

It's late, but today I was absent of friday english class ... so I want to catch up soon.
 foto: @holaairam

A long time ago I did athletics (many years), and I remember was having fun and enjoyed so much. But I must leave any types of sports for health problem. Since not long ago I started be interested in lead my life of one way more healthy and responsible with myself, the environment, whit the others and the animals. 

For this I change my habits, my diet, my consumption and my respect for the others. I had to learn all the thing which are so important to my new lifestyle, one of those is to train my body for keep health my body (of course) but too my mind. I have proposed to learn new habits, until now it has not been difficult for me, because I have conviction, I think humans are weak, we live constantly on fear, we crave short-term fixes, but a human with an ideal is a so powerful, build new habits today and live like a winner. It's not only about you, it's about your family, society, the planet and your future.
I think this isn't something that you finished learning at some point, but I hope to motivate more people to have a more sustainable and healthy lifestyle, and bring my life in balance, it is very important to have people you love on your side and who constantly support you in following your ideals, even when they don't believe in these. I'm so lucky to have an amazing sister, we support and motivate ourselves to live our beliefs and convictions.

This is all for today, 


xoxo, Sol.

Friday, October 5, 2018

One of my passion

Hello people,

Today I'm going to write about my passion, really I have more one thing that I feel passionate about, but now the most important to me is the debate, since 2014 I participate in this activity, I started in the school and actually whit the team of the university. Actually, I train once o more a week, I'm the captain and teacher of an academy of debate in a school and sometimes I'm called to be a judge in the school tournaments.

Resultado de imagen para debateThe debate is almost like a sport, because we train to can defend almost anything with logic and for this is necessary train a lot, sometimes you need know many topics for example, public politics, internacional deals, human rights, health and something like that. For me is so funny and so interesting how every debate is a different world and how you can argue or counter argue the multiple points. Debate can be an individual, couple or team, there are many formats, one of them is a PB "British parlamentary", in this format is a global competition and other tournaments.

This year the Global competition was at the last week of july in Valparaiso and I went to in representing to the University of Chile as a judge, this was my second internacional participation, my first was in the summer, in Perú.

I'm so happy to write about this, I hope you enjoyed.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Welcome to my Blog

I don't know who you are, but I really hope you're very well, in this blog we can share differents things about me and other thing more interesting.
I'm Geography student in FAU University of Chile, it's my second year and I'm deeply in love of my career (until now), I'm 19 years old, my zodiac signs is Aries, i'm a feminist and vegan woman and sometime I love so hard my life.
My hobbie is a Professional Debate, I like read but I don't really have much time for this. I have a dog, he is everything for me, his name is Aukan. Another thing you must know about me is a I like so much Beyoncé, she is my Queen.

